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Opening Words

Welcome ! I hope you enjoy browsing through my web site. Most of the points raised below will be familiar to, and understood by, most of us. They aim to be what you might call "Common Sense" and indeed, will be relevant to many web sites. However, I think I am being curteous to you, my visitor, if I try my hardest to nip any slightest possible misunderstandings - especially in the legal, safety and copyright domains - in the bud, before we have even the least hint of a situation that could potentially blossom out of control. It is of course always nice to keep life simple and amenable!

This "Read Me" web page may also be deemed to contain the basic "Terms & Conditions" (T&C) associated with the accessing, perusal and potential use of the material presented on the web site with the URL "".

In advance, Many Thanks!

Purpose of this Web Site

The aim of my web site is to share my experiences - in picture and text - with you, the visitor. Unless overtly based entirely on my personal and individual experiences, my web pages are also designed to support the aims of the clubs and societies to which these web pages make reference, either pictorially or textually, in the headers and subsequent content of the relevant web pages.

Viewing this Web Site

As many of you will know, a web browser provides the means of viewing these, or any, web pages, irrespective of the underlying computer hardware and operating system on which the browsers run. However, the reduced screen sizes usually associated with Smartphones, can be an issue for the website visitor.

In short, the pages on this web site are best viewed using the latest versions of browsers running, where possible, on Laptop or Desktop computers. Reduced screen size could be a viewing issue on Smartphones.


Disclaimers, such as you see below, are common to most web sites. These issues include content, web safety, more on web safety, links to external web sites, Formatting of external web sites, tracking cookies, language aspects, legal domain and local social customs, and technical and artistic aspects. In addition, the vast majority of pictures on the web site - whether digital photographs or clip art - are created by me; in this context I am happy to enjoy the creative (such as it might be) freedom of an amateur.


Legal issues are always best appproached, in the first instance, on a common sense basis. It is invariably nicer, easier and more convenient for everyone if we can keep matters at that level! Copyright, as I have tried to explain below, covers two aspects: (1) my material, which forms the bulk of what you see on this web site, and (2) material which comes from other individuals or parties. There are also the associated issues of registered trademarks and potential commercial use.


Pages on this website, including this one, may be updated occasionally, in order to ensure that you the visitor can enjoy the latest version of the relevant pages. The website owner does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage resulting from unannounced updates; this is fair because no commercial contract exists between owner and visitor to cover this situation. The date and time of the latest update are deemed to be the "version" of a page or group of pages, and are to be found at the bottom of the relevant pages. On this page, for example, it is at Version or Latest Update. The date and time are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or British Summer Time (BST) as appropriate.

The contents of the latest update to any page on this website will be deemed to supersede the contents of all earlier versions of the said page.


Contact: You can contact me using It is always nice to have a constructive dialogue with you, the visitors to my website.

It's of course nice for all of us if security aspects can be kept to a minimum! So please do not send emails with attachments, or emails that appear in any way suspicious (e.g. as regards source, contents or links). In advance, Thank you Very Much!

Please enjoy your visit my website!