Welcome Purpose To Start Copyright Disclaimers Technical Android Access Contact Find Version

Opening Words

Welcome ! I hope you enjoy browsing through my web site. Most of the points raised below will be familiar to, and understood by, most of us. They aim to be what you might call "Common Sense" and indeed, will be relevant to many web sites. However, I think I am being curteous to you, my visitor, if I try my hardest to nip any slightest possible misunderstandings - especially in the legal, safety and copyright domains - in the bud, before we have even the least hint of a situation that could potentially blossom out of control. It is of course always nice to keep life simple and amenable!

In advance, Many Thanks!


The aim of my web site is to share my experiences - in picture and text - with you, the visitor. Unless overtly based entirely on my personal and individual experiences, my web pages are also designed to support the aims of the clubs and societies to which these web pages make reference, either pictorially or textually, in the headers and subsequent content of the relevant web pages.


It's nice to get some basic things seen to first of all. Updates and validity, coming to this page and searching for topics are all considerations which I hope you can allow me to broach at this juncture! In advance, Many Thanks!


Technical considerations are based on experiences using the Windows® PC operating system which provided - and still provide - the development environment. However, these web pages should also be accessible using an Apple® PC. Using Android® may involve some additional considerations which will be aired in the next main section after this one.

Technical issues that could impinge on your enjoyment of these pages, include:

As you see, I have tried to suggest in this section possible remedies available to you, should you need to take cognizance of any of the above - and other - operational issues.


When using Android® v9, it should be realized that in the "miniature" display environment of smart phones, font size is important. I have found the following two steps to be helpful when viewing my pages in such a miniaturized display environment.

  1. Android OS Settings. Go to "settings/display/advanced" and set both "font size" and "display size" to default. Makes life easy!

  2. Individual Browsers on Android. Proceed as per table below, going, in the individual browser to "settings/accessibility". The result section, in the following table, compares what you see under the Android® OS with what you see on under the PC-based Windows10® OS. The question is, "When compared to viewing my web pages in a Windows10® environment, are page layout and relative font sizes maintained on the Android9® smartphone?".

  browser     aim for     set %    result  
Firefox® font size 100   keeps layout and relative font sizes
 MS Edge®  text size 50 keeps layout, but text enlarged
Chrome®  text scaling  50 keeps layout, but text enlarged

Of course, when viewing a web page either the "thumb - pointer finger" or the "pointer finger - middle finger" gesture can be used to alter the size of what you see on the web page. The above are my initial findings. They are NOT written in stone, but are given here in order to try and be helpful!! There may be better approaches!!

Accessing My Website


Disclaimers, such as you see below, are common to most web sites. These issues include content, web safety, links to external web sites, Formatting of external web sites, tracking cookies, language aspects, legal domain and local social customs, and technical and artistic aspects. In addition, the vast majority of pictures on the web site - whether digital photographs or clip art - are created by me; in this context I am happy to enjoy the creative (such as it might be) freedom of an amateur.


Legal issues are always best appproached, in the first instance, on a common sense basis. It is invariably nicer, easier and more convenient for everyone if we can keep matters at that level! Copyright, as I have tried to explain below, covers two aspects: (1) my material, which forms the bulk of what you see on this web site, and (2) material which comes from other individuals or parties. There are also the associated issues of registered trademarks and potential commercial use.


Contact: You can contact me using {To Be Confirmed}. However, please note that for security reasons:

In advance, thank you for your understanding!


I hope that you have found this page useful. It can be referenced from most of the pages on this site, should you wish to refer to it at any time. Please enjoy my web site!

Quick Search


Welcome ! The number of "Read Me" terms and concepts has inevitably grown over the years. If you wish to pinpoint a particular topic, I hope that you find this "Quick Search" section a helpful addition to the menu at the top of this "Read Me" page. Remember that after finding and reading your topic, your return from this "Read Me" page will be via this "Find"section.

Windows10, Google and Android are registered trademarks (®) of their respective companies and organizations.

Thank you for visiting my "Read Me" page!


    Access to my web site using Google Search
    Access to my web site - Quick Access
    Android Browsers - Settings
    Android OS Settings
    artistic and technical aspects


    Browser, Your
    Browsers on Android
    Browser Tabs and Navigation


    Camera used (technology available)
    Colours, Screen
    Coming to this page
    Commercial Use
    Computer (Host) and Operating System
    cookies, tracking
    Copyright - My Material
    Copyright - Outside Material


    Date and Time Used
    Date Format


    English, Type of
    External Pages, Formatting of


    Formatting of External Pages


    Google® - Reaching my site with Google Search
    Grammar, Spelling and Syntax


    Language aspects
    Latest Update (Version)
    Legal Domain and Local Social Customs
    Links to external web sites
    Loading Time and Web Space


    Machine Operating Environment


    Navigation and Browser Tabs


    Operating System and Host Computer Hardware
    Other Web Sites
    Outside Material - Copyright


    Postscript - Last Words (on this "Read Me" page)


    Quick Access to my web site


    Refresh Web Page - When To
    Resolution, Screen


    Safety, Web
    Screen Colours
    Screen Resolution
    Social Customs (Local) and Legal Domain
    Sound Clips
    Speed of your Internet Connection
    Spell Checking
    Spelling, Grammar and Syntax
    Syntax, Spelling and Grammar


    Tabs, Browser and Navigation
    technical and artistic aspects
    tracking cookies
    Type of English




    Version (Latest Update)
    Video Clips


    Window, Browser (Navigation and Browser Tabs)
    Web Safety
    Web Space and Loading Time
    Welcome (on this "Quick Guide" page)
    Welcome (on "Read Me" page)


    Zooming in/out of a Page