This short page says a few words about the maps, heights and distances related to the walks in which I participated or which on occasion I happened to lead. There were of course other activities, which fact serves to emphasise the flexibility of CLOG away-breaks. Now if you wish to dive straight into the pictorial aspects of our stay at Coniston, then you can, of course, always come back to this page.

On our first full day (April 18) some of us, having scaled the Old Man of Coniston, continued on to Dow Crag and its associated ridge. Good views to the north and to the south.

On the next full day (April 19) some of us scaled the heights of Wetherlam via its steep, scrambly, east slope. Excellent walking weather and excellent views. Views to make you meditate!
All the four walks in which I participated or had occasion to lead, were circular, starting and finishing at our hostel. This indicated what an excellent choice Coniston was for walking and appreciating the mountains. Well done Gavin and Ralph! The walks, in order of April date, and with the identifying colours
( ★
★ )
used below, are:
- ★
Old Man of Coniston and Dow Crag
- ★
- ★
Little Langdale
- ★
Yewdale Fells (last day)
As mentioned, dates and colours are used below to distinguish the walks in the map and in the height plots and in the tables, which in turn, are given in metric and imperial units. The information given below relies on my plotting accuracy - which is not perfect, but hopefully sufficient for the purpose!

All the four walks started and finished at our hostel (red triangle), which thus proved for us to be an excellent base. The stretch between our hostel and the spot close to the "Shepherd's Bridge" (inverted U), was shared by our walks on April 19 through to 21.

This diagram gives heights and distances for all four walks. It indicates that the walks on April 18 (Old Man and Dow Crag) and April 19 (Wetherlam) involved greater height differences than the later two walks. Indeed, the Wetherlam walk on April 19 involved some quite steep, but interesting, scrambling up the east face of Wetherlam. This can be seen on the left of the peak of the red height profile number 19. All in a day's work!

Here are some "vital statistics" in metric units. Of course, the total ascent usually exceeds the maximum height; I'd suspect things, if the reverse transpired!

Here is the same in Imperial units for you traditionalists.
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