Our Sunday IVC walk today took us from Keston Church to Selsdon and on to Addington Hills. It was a crisp late autumn day - nice frosty, but largly sunny, weather for an invigorating walk on the Downs. For some of us it was a surprise that all this nice and interesting countryside was still within the ambit of Greater London! Before our lunch at the 16th Century "White Bear" Inn at the curiously named hamlet of "Fickleshole", we even had the opportunity to cross the Greenwich Meridian!

On the first part of our walk, we tarry a while. Here we are silhouetted against the countryside. We shall soon be crossing the Greenwich Meridian.
So here is what these pages have in store for you. Even if you were not able to join us, here's your chance to find out how we enjoyed our nice late autumn IVC sunday event.
Enjoy your browse!
Thank you Peter for suggesting and leading this walk. The area you chose for today's walk was within the "Transport for London" area, yet surprising rural and new for many of us. An eye-opener! Thank you also for your suggestion about the onward route to Addington Hills, which provided a fitting finale to an interesting and enjoyable day. Thank you all for making this a good IVC day out - as usual! Thank you to the weather gods for bringing good walking weather - frosty, but nice, with sunshine for much of the day.
There are at least three aspects which I could raise here, including the behaviour of your browser, the behaviour of Windows 10® and general items buried elsewhere on my site.
- Browser Behaviour: If your browser appears to be lazy and does not want to load all the pictures, a friendly press on its refresh button might just get your browser out of its recalcitrant ways. You might notice that in order to speed up loading of individual items, I have split up these pages.
- Windows 10®: I have started to use Windows 10® in earnest. So far so seemingly good, and hopefully my continuing experience - and indeed that of other new users - of Windows 10® will remain positive. However, unannounced updates are inconvenient for the user, and suggest that Windows 10® is still subject to ongoing development.
- More Technical Items: Whilst I have not had a chance to update the technical items on my "Read Me" page, you might find some further relevant things here.