A Forgotten Manifestation of Nature?

September 2024

Sea Floor Units Givens Column Pressure PSI Inquiry Thanks T&C

Reaching the Sea Floor

The disaster of the "Titan" submersible, which took tourists on a deep sea dive to view the remains of the Titanic, has, of course, first and foremost, been a tragedy for the families of the five people who lost their lives.

Approximate Sketch of the "Titan" submersible before destruction.

It is hoped that the forthcoming inquiry will provide answers, both to give some closure to the families and also to try and prevent a future accident of the type suffered by the passengers of the "Titan". Without wishing to prejudge the issues for the inquiry, topics are likely to include: (1) design and safety. (2) accountabilty, (3) insurance.

This page, whilst in no way constituting a legal or expert statement, gives my humble understanding of the enormity of the pressures that occur at the bottom of our oceans.

Our Units of Measurement

We shall use metric units for our main calculation. This makes sense, since the official international definition in 1959 defined the weights and measures used in the English-speaking world in terms of the metric systerm of units. Thus,

Our Givens

Here we can start with two givens. One is a physical property and the other is ultimately made by the formation of our planet. Both, of course, are important for our investigation!

There is a further "Given" which we shall mention for completeness, and then conveniently "forget"!

Mass of Conceptual Vertical Column of Water

The key task is to find the mass of a conceptual column of water above the sea bed. To start with, the simple diagram shown below may be helpful.

Conceptual Vertical Column of Water

Conclusion So Far: The Mass of this vertical column is 3777 Metric Tonnes sitting on an area of 1 square metre on the sea floor. This gives about 3717 UK Tons (Long Tons), since 1 Metric Tonne is equivalent to 0.984207 UK Tons (Long Tons).

Mass and Weight

According to our present knowledge of Physics, the Four Fundamental Forces in the universe comprise: Gravity, the weak force, electromagnetism, and the strong force.

The force of Gravity allows us to determine the mass of an object. Traditional weighing scales balance the unknown weight of an object on one plate against the known weights of one or more objects on the other plate.

Back to our main subject! The pressure at the base of the column exerted by the weight of the column of water is the weight of the mass of 3777 Metric Tonnes acting on an area of 1 m2. This is the answer we want!

Here we can make the following observations.

We have now spoken not only about the mass of our column of water, but, also, about its weight on one square metre of the sea bed.

Pressure per square inch.

We have used standard metric units to get us this far on our journey to understand the pressure on the sea bed.

Something which is perhaps much closer to our physical being and existence, is the length of the each of the two segments of an adult's thumb. Usually, this length is about one inch for each segment. So, knowing this, let's calculate the pressure per square inch on the sea floor where the wreck of Titanic lies. Remember, from above, 1 inch is exactly 2.5400 centimeters. This means that, for our calculations on this web page, we are effectively staying with metric units! All consistent!

One Square Inch
(May not be quite to true scale when you see this!)

There are 1550.003 square inches per square metre. If the pressure on the sea floor is 3777 Metric Tonnes force per square metre, then, per square inch, this becomes 3777/1550 Metric Tonnes per Square inch, or about:

 2.4 Metric Tonnes Force per Square Inch. 

Big Weight on a Small Area!

According to "My Car Import", mid-size cars in the UK, including sedans and hatchbacks, can weigh between 1,200 kg to 1,600 kg (weight or force). So, our 2.4 Metric Tonnes Force per square inch would be equivalent to balancing two of the lightest cars in this category on one square inch at sea level, if this were logistically possible!! Gadzooks!!

Inquiry Latest.

The inquiry has now reached its conclusion. Here are what appear to be three relevant articles. We can expect more actions to follow. As stated above, the inquiry has ended, but it looks as if we can probably expect further actions and consequences beyond the remit of the inquiry.

Attributions & Thanks

The calculations are mine, but the sources for the necessary input data are given in the links. Of these, the following were particularly useful and relevant.

  1. "Engineering Toolbox"
  2. "BBC - Key Takeaways from Inquiry."
  3. phys.libretexts.org
  4. water-science-school
  5. "My Car Import"
Many Thanks also to all the additional organisations, to which I have made links on this page!

Of course, Many Thanks to you the reader for whom this page was written!